
Complitkenya, community organisation,, Nyamira County, Kenya, 2013,;

“Registered on 18 April 2013 as a community-based organization, Complitkenya focuses on empowering rural communities in Kenya through education, primarily through technology-enabled learning. We seek to bring the Information Revolution to the villages of Kenya where information poverty is highly prevalent. Our objective is primarily to take advantage of 21st-century media and tools of communication to empower rural communities through our core competencies of equitable access to information, education, digital literacy, and e-learning.

Complitkenya is currently based in Nyamira County, where we have successfully partnered with Adult Education Centres, primary and secondary schools to establish six computer labs which serve as community information centres; these also provide access to e-learning and basic computer literacy training. Our growth plan is to expand these centres into Community Information Resource Centres which will empower the target communities through readily available, comprehensive and up-to-date information on key drivers of the local economy including commerce, entrepreneurship, agribusiness, peace education, e-learning, social development, and health education.”