“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”- Albert Einstein.
It was a room filled with gifts of every kind. I could remember seeing Ezinwa, Bally, Adanna who stood before the man that gave them something. It was now my turn to receive the unknown stuff. I stood right in front of him but all of a sudden, it became dim. I woke up scared. It was just a dream, but what did it mean? When the sun finally rose, still worried about my dream, I opened the door and left the house. Where was I going to?
Through the lonely path I walked for a while until my head began spinning. I was now turning in circles. Soon, I bumped my head on the ground and everything faded. I found myself in another world. It seemed cool, colorful, too good to be true, yet I was stuck in it. I tried to recall what had happened but the more I tried the more I was in pains. I decided to leave my past and move on. My stomach began grumbling; I hadn’t eaten.
Walking further, a little bit out of town, I saw an eatery. Though scared, I took a bold step and went to have breakfast. In the eatery, I met this lanky man with grey hair though he was not old. He had crimson glassy eyes. He looked too strange to be real. He walked to me and asked me what I would like to drink and I proudly said “coffee”. A few minutes later, he offered me the coffee that I had earlier asked for. I hurriedly drank the coffee as I was so famished. I was leaving when he asked me to pay for my drink. Sadly, I had no money and told him my story. I was taken aback when he explained my dream. After our chatty talk, he gave me a portion to drink and, immediately, I was back to my world. What had happened?
People see talent as a natural ability given by God to do something well. However, I see talent as an inclination to seeing the big world. I enjoy finding out new things and learning new things. As the saying goes, “Learning never ends.” As a science student, discovering new things is my main goal. Observing nature, learning new facts, understanding the chemistry behind my life; all these make me who I am.
Right from birth, my hands had been closed. I think it’s because I was given a gift to use on earth by my creator, the Supreme Being. Some were given talents to sing, others to draw, many to dance. What was I given? Curiosity!
Curiosity means having a strong desire to know about something. I enjoy doing crazy things. Many say I am weird, others say I am crazy, but one thing they do not know is that my talent is worth more than just drawing, singing, rapping, dancing or being a writer. Curiosity makes me inquisitive, devoted and innovative. I always want to know how things work, what they do and even what they are.
As an inquisitive fellow, I discover new things, try them out and find out new ways to do these things. Bearing risks is what makes me unique. They see me as crazy but I see myself as craving to be great. I see myself with the desire to solve problems. Their opinions do not matter. They only see what they want to. What matters are my talent and my passion. I do not care about what they think or say about me. My talent, curiosity, is my power. What matters is who I am. Before I woke up, I was given a special talent, and that is curiosity.
wow! this write up is so beautiful, I can’t believe a 16 year old girl wrote this “SUPERB”
“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:3-4 KJV
Curiosity drives you to seek knowledge, to seek truth. With diligence and meekness in seeking, you shall surely find and understand.
Very inspiring
This article is one of the best I’ve read this read year, just woow!! Unbelievable from a 16year old
This is a great write-up; profound and beautiful. I hope your curiosity never wanes. Let it lead you on wonderful adventures.
This is a beautiful and inspiring piece. Keep it up dear Burabari and the sky will be your starting point.
This is an awesome work. Sounds like who the writer really is.
May your curiosity cause you to conquer. Keep being curious!
Gifted hands!You are really good dear.
Curiosity;what a priceless gift!
Continue climbing its ladders.
What a great inspiration, let your curiosity makes you to achieve your goal. Great talent.
Waoooh, this is fantabulous and heart-captivating
Now I’m curious to know what happened after you couldn’t pay for the drink… You got me!
Your creativity is rare. You keep up to it.
I pray your curiosity take you to places … Far and wide ….
At a point I got scared. Written by a 16 year old? Incredible!!! My dear if u’ve got curiosity as your talent, then you are unstoppable! That curiosity will sure unearth other great talents lying within you and take you to unimaginable heights
This is beautiful,
We thank God for this great wisdom.
Everything said here are just the truth.
God bless you.
This piece is amazing, I wish I could be as curious as you are sister… keep it up
Wow….This is beautiful!!…keep it up boo
Wow!! Am so amazed… Your curiosity will take you places you can ever think of.. Bravo!!!!!
It’s amazing write up and very good
This is an excellent thinking. I am sure your curiosity will take you far unimaginable. For “curiosity which is having a strong desire to know” is the key to unlocking great and mighty things! See James 1:5.
Super, with God on your side sky is going to be your starting point
Now I understand somethings about me!
Thank you!
Wonderful one
It’s ok to be curious. We learn more or see more when we’re curious
Your article is really nice. You should pick up writing. You will go far
Wooo!, ‘food for thought’ statement.
It is really amazing wise sayings.
Curiosity is a key attribute of a genius and I think you are one of them in this generation.
May it bring you closer to your divine destiny.
Nice write up
I got speechless reading this, you’re really a great writer and I pray that your curiosity will lead you to somewhere great in life.
This is incredible, doing this at this young age is really superb and commendable. May the Good Lord continue to shower you with Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom from above to continue to be curious in the right direction… I say the sky is not your limit but Heaven is. Wish you more success in life.
Nice one dear
Keep it up
More of God’s grace dear
Great composition for a 16 year old. Buribari will surely go places with this clear thought pattern! Please keep it up!
This article has a well constructed statement of the problem. My dear Burabari, you are a very good writer as you can always do better.
This is a surprising article from a 16year old science student. It’s surprising because I used to believe that those who should be writers should be from the arts. Well, Bura, this is a gift in you which you must explore to develop and the sky will be your starting point. May your curiosity always lead you to positive directions, Amen!
An Albert Einstein cum Chimamanda Adiche in making. Keep up the curiosity-it takes men and women to places.
This is one of the talents well meaning Nigerians should gladly support with their money, not some Big Brother Nigeria nonsense.
Burabari Bakpo has showcased talent unprecedented at 16. Just Curiousity is à magnum opus.
Being curious is good as it exposes you to knowledge especially that which you never know before. Well done Burabari all the best.
Waao, Buraa. This is a beautiful life building venture. The dream speaks real because you were on the move to get somewhere though not sure of. But in your curiosity to get there, remember psalm : 1 : 1-3. Then you step up to psalm 119: 9-10. And as you dig more into your curiosity, you will find, proverb, 22: 29. That is the point where your curiosity would have given you a heights above your peers. As a scientist you are already, I wish you more insight into life’s secrets. Bravo.
Waao, Buraa. This is a beautiful life building venture. The dream speaks real because you were on the move to get somewhere though not sure of. But in your curiosity to get there, remember psalm : 1 : 1-3. Then you step up to psalm 119: 9-10. And as you dig more into your curiosity, you will find, proverb, 22: 29. That is the point where your curiosity would have given you a heights above your peers. As a scientist you are already, I wish you more insight into the secrets of life. The Skye is not your limits because you can go to Space. Bravo.
William Ward said that curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. May your candle keep burning. And yes, this write-up is as creative as it is entertaining and intriguing.
Wow! This is great!
Nice article please keep it up
This piece is apt. I believe your “curiosity” haa led you to the right path “science”. I also believe you will also make a good writer, which is also a talent I see in you. Keep it up.
A nice one dear, master piece… Just add some more effect, you’ll get more stary piece out of this. Keep it up dear.
Nice work
Burabari, your ability is way beyond your age and I must confess, you’re not very far from Genius! I couldn’t help but take not of your diction and I must say that I look forward to seeing your name written boldly in the hall of fame. You’ve got potential kiddo, and you must not let anything steal that from you. All the best!
With focus and dedication, Burabari is on the road to literary greatness. The imagery is simply superlative for a sixteen year old. Keep it up.
Bura, I’m really intrigued.
Well done!
This is very inspiring. Thank God for this talent, you will surely go places
This is very good, wonderful piece.
Beyond the ordinary… this is pure talent…
SO so real and fascinating
Keep it up dear. We gat ur back
Nice write up with good articulation.
This is fantastic indeed from a young scholar.let curiosity help to widen your knowledge.
This is wonderful and educative. Nice one girl, keep it up.
This is pure talent. From a 16 year old, this is fantastic. Thanks for the beautiful write up.
Wow! This write-up is extremely unique. The creativity is extraordinary. You deserve to be awarded. Bravo! Fantastic work
…keep it up dear
Great one dear. You shall go far…
Wow! This is amazing! Boo, I hope your talent takes you to places and you achieve all your dreams.
Wow!!!! I am still mesmerized. Readibg thus piece, I feel like I was there and part of the happenings… So real; so well written. Weldone girl!
Am really amazed by your fantastic writeup. It is so beautiful. The way you started and just ended caught me and now I am curious to know
Buraaa, you’ve succeeded in making me curious. Well done! I wish everyone would just see the uniqueness of their talents.
Bu…..Bu…. Is there anything my beloved commentators have said that I haven’t said to you at one point or the other? You see how your curiosity is causing us to become curious too? Hahahaha. Bu, you are made for this. Creativity is on the inside of you. It sure is on the outside too. I am not surprised at all about this input, neither will I be about the output. You know why? Its because its in you.
Your style and the way you engage your audience makes them want to keep reading to the finish. This is one out of the many marks of a great writer.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this exercise. I am always proud of you. Keep this up.
This is amazing. I love the line of thought
*reading this piece
And I dare say, you indeed have a rare and special kind of talent. One meant only for geniuses. You have a great mind girl, and with your talent, you have no limits to what you can achieve. Nice write up.