It is ridiculous to me when I see people or country promoting gender-based school and I will tell you my reason.
On September 22, 2011, Pennsylvania State University news informed that sex segregation in schools is detrimental to equality.
Research added that same-sex education does not earn one healthier educational success compared to coeducation.
Some leading voice on education like Jen Saunders, an entrepreneur and veteran journalist for Demand Media, believed that gender-based education leads boys and girls to miss out on important issues like dating that will help them mature.
Gender Bias
Same-sex school is an ignoble agenda. It brews gender bias.
For instance, since 2006 the USA accepted the design for single-sex education, the numbers of gender-based schools have grown to 241, whereas in 1995, there were only 2 gender-based schools in the USA., thereby making people not to take coeducation seriously in that clime.
I’m appalled when promoters of same-sex education blatantly tell us that girls do well in Mathematics and Science when separated by sex. I must say that this notion is myopic and does not hold any water.
If this bigoted bearing that girls do better in some subjects when they are separated from boys is not curtailed now, you may also hear them tell you that Africans and Europeans learn better when they are separated in the class. This is ludicrous! Don’t let them deceive you.
I will make my points clearer that same-sex education is a practical joke with the following findings made by some experts in education.
In 2010, Lynn S. Liben, Professor of Psychology, Human Development and Family Studies and Education, Pennsylvania State University and her graduate student, conducted a research on preschool classes to determine the effects of gender divisions among students. They found out that social science data pointed out that gender-based segregated school promotes cultural prejudice and inequality.
Ongoing Crusade
I’m delighted that the crusade against same-sex school is ongoing and I’m not alone in the clarion calls for its abolition.
In 2012, Americans Civil Liberties Union delved into a multi-state scheme crusade called “Teach Kids, Not Stereotype”.
The organization showed its detestation on how teachers in single-sex classes put gender stereotypes in their lessons; these teachers believed that Mathematics don’t interest girls, whereas it does to boys.
There were many complaints against same-sex education and not too long ago, a lawsuit was instituted in West Virginia that stopped gender-based programmes in the area.
Apart from the fact that we are saying that single-sex schools promote gender stereotypes, lop-sided conduct in education is fad in same-sex educational system.
No Scientific Proof
Professor Liben argued that there is no scientific proof for the academic advantages of single-sex schooling. This is the bottom line of my carriage on same-sex education.
The professor added that there is strapping substantiation that same-sex education has negative consequences as collateral damage for boys and girls.
Recently, I was browsing the internet when I came across the subject – single-sex education – on Wikipedia, an online free encyclopedia.
The online platform did not mention that there is a scientific proof supporting single-sex education.
It only said that there is a torrent of curiosity and establishment of single-sex education in some cultures based on tradition and religion.
It added that the practice, which has taken the centre stage in the 21st Century, was widespread before the nineteenth century, predominantly in secondary education and higher education.
I came across a report in 2011 titled “The Pseudoscience of Single Sex Schooling.” In this report, there were many voices that waved away the thoughts compelled by single-sex schooling supporters; eight scientists in the report said that they were yet to find any neuroscience research that offered credence to the notion suggesting that boys and girls were programmed to learn separately.
The same year, I also came across a study by the American Psychological Association saying that 1.6 million students in 21 countries were investigated and 55 years finding exposed that it was a make-believe idea of the proponents of single-sex schooling as they could not find any advantage for same-sex class.
Associate Professor Sara Goodkind at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work, and fellow university researchers, after interviewing students, teachers, and parents at Westinghouse High School in this regard, they found nothing suggesting that same-sex education should be encouraged.
No Academic Benefit
I’ve always challenged many people and authorities to proof beyond doubt, any academic benefit of single-sex education, but none has come forward.
Rebecca Bigler and Lise Eliot professors at the University of Texas at Austin and Chicago Medical School of Rosalind Franklin University respectively said that a science journal of September 2011 opined that single-sex education is preposterous to neuroscientists.
We must eschew the idea of same-sex education because investigation revealed that same-gender interactions in schools lead to unscrupulous skill and aspirations among boys and girls.
One school of thought said that boys in same-sex school become hyper-aggressive when they have no girls to interact with.
Those in this line of thought said that mixed school creates a healthy environment with mix of traditionally masculine and feminine skills and interests.