Dear People of Earth,
Yes, I’m talking to all seven billion of you, and I hope this letter reaches you all in a good state of mind, if so, doxology. I don’t think we’ve ever formally met, but I guess images from your mainstream media have made you all to know a great deal about me; please pardon my manners for not introducing myself straight away. My name is Mother Earth; some of you call me nature, while others fondly call me Mother Nature. Look around, I’m possibly the closest thing to you, if just maybe there is a bit of me left undestroyed. Just so that you know, I am seen as the sea, the forest, the ocean, the soil, the climate and just everything including the air you breathe. I have been in existence for billions of years, and yet, I will continue to exist. I know, for a fact that, you have heard great tales of me existing for billions of years now, because, I have seen you embroiled in heated debate of the palpable mystery of my existence; but that is a discussion for another day.
Like the unconditional affection of any mother, I have nursed you right from the cradle of your civilisation. I shed tears of sweet affection when you make giant strides to become the race you are. Before you became the ‘selfish’ people you are today, I have grinned with great delight and warm thoughts when you ‘fought’ to protect the very essence of your existence, which is your shared humanity. Since sharing is caring, I have graciously given my resources to every single human being since time immemorial and never for once asked for anything in return.
You, going astray, my child, have made me feel the dull ache of loss as though it prised open my hand, and taken something of mine. Lately, your erratic behaviour has been downright worrying, given your wanton destruction of my resources for your selfish needs. I watch you with grave disapproval when you abuse and misuse me. I shed tears as rain to wash it all away, but the harder I scrub the dirtier I become. I try to reach out to you through glaring signs of global warming, but you’re just so absorbed in your greedy quest, to listen for just a second.
But how much longer will this continue, and at what cost to the things I value? Like a double edged nature of a good teacher, Mother Nature is kind and patient, but she can also be harsh and stern. When I thrive, you thrive, and I when I falter, you falter. I have seen great empires crumble into mere earth. I have feed specie greater than you and I have starved specie far greater than you. I have tasted blood of men when they go to war and tears of men have wetted my soil when I quipped in fury as earthquake. With what you are doing, your race is like an accident waiting to happen whilst eking out its existence.
I have evolved beyond anger, and so, I have cast aside my aspersions. I’m now trying to reach out to you all in the only place left that hasn’t been bought or sold, cleared, cut or mined: which is your heart. At the heart of this clarion call is not a desire to point an accusing finger. We’re all in this together; you’re part of me and I am a part of you; your books call it an ecosystem. In mathematics, as one of your scariest books is fondly called, you were taught about set; a diagrammatic expression of overlapping circles. The overlapping area is called “union”. So also is your humanity; in spite of differing personality, religion, color, ethnicity and value system, there still exists a place of commonality, and that is the ecosystem. My soil once filled with life, but now a barren sand of farmers’ strife. One of your very own, Franklin Roosevelt once said that “a nation that destroys its soil destroys itself”. My soil is not just a living breathing entity; it’s your lifeline for survival.
You forget so easily that my soil is the terra firma upon which all your hopes, dream and aspiration will be built tomorrow. It is arguably that which you were made from, and that which you will return. It houses the wealthiest of places (grave) and the riches of nation.
You often talk about the rights of women, immigrants, and animals. Yet the rights of your future generations are rarely mentioned, despite the fact that their very ability to exist is threatened by your actions today. Your ancient Indian proverb often says “treat the earth well; it was not given to you by your parent, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”.
Now, I’m on the dialogue table, sitting and hoping you come join me, so we can forge a new cause. Is it too much to ask not to use non-eco-friendly or non-energy-saving appliances such as incandescent bulb? Can you for once, unplug appliances that are not in use? If only you can decide to eat only organic food not produced from agricultural chemicals which affect the environment. I see no reason why you shouldn’t choose only products made from natural, sustainably production materials (biodegradables). For once, think less about yourself by deciding to make concerted effort in getting involved in volunteering for local environmental efforts such as starting a community garden or planting tree. Better still, see reason with me in joining an advocacy organization and share the news through both your social and print media platforms.
In similar fashion, I can only hope you vote only for candidates whom are environmentally conscious with eco-friendly manifesto. Again, it is for your best interest that I pray you see reasons to advocate for hands-on environmental education programs and create awareness through writing letters to the editor of newspapers expressing your stance on environmental issues. Like the proverbial “many drops of water make a sea” I believe, far too important that this seemingly little actions would have a profound and far reaching effects.Just like the way each individual finger cannot perform any function no matter how independent it is, so, it is with the earth that I have given to you – your strength lies in your diversity and the better you begin to learn and understand that you need me more than I need you, the better for your race, until then will the true creed of your human race be known. That said, treat me with distinction or sure face extinction. But, if you heed not and call this bluff, I leave you to your own device, for I am nature, always have been, always will be.
Yours in loving,
Mother Nature