Save the Planet

By Lukas Ujike. Lukas, 16, is a student based in Anlaby, UK. Please read his article and leave your thoughts and comments below.

Today, saving the planet is the most important action anyone can do. We can no longer keep pretending that we will be fine whatever happens, because it is not the case. Sea levels are rising, icebergs are melting, forests are being cut down and animals are being slaughtered. None of this shows that we will be fine and this horrible truth we must accept. If we refuse to accept that we are the reason for the death of our home and the destruction of everything we know, we will never be able to change it. So, effectively, join me in understanding that we are the one and only problem in this catastrophic crisis.

We are destroying the earth.

Now you should all say it, over and over again until the realization sinks in.

We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth.

Now that you understand what monsters we are, we can start thinking of solutions. The planet is in our care and we are not looking after it at all, which is disgraceful.

We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth.

There is no way to keep going like this, because, if you think about it, we will all be dead soon, unless we learn to live underwater. Besides, this water will be incredibly toxic and gross after everything we have done to it over time, so I wouldn’t recommend banking on survival under water, because the poison in the water will kill us even if we manage to build oxygen-tight houses at the bottom of the ocean. We will also get eaten by sharks and attacked by whales, which can’t be pleasant. However, this would just be the consequence of our actions and frankly we deserve it. We deserve everything that is coming to us, because we are awful to the world around us. I am so ashamed of humanity and hate what we have become.

We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth.

The solutions are simple, as teachers and speakers all around the world tell us all the time, not that any of us listen. I love the planet and everything it brings us, but I am just as horrible as everyone else, because the most I have ever done to help it is turning off lights every so often. When I leave my room, I usually leave my electronics plugged in, I throw away food I haven’t eaten and I use electricity to play video games most of the times. When I do my homework or want to do some drawing (I am a graffiti artist), I use pages and pages of paper and end up throwing most of them out. I only keep one or two and can’t usually be bothered to recycle the rest, because the recycling bins are a ten minute walk from my house, whereas it is just easier to toss it all into the waste bin and wait for my parents to put it in with our household trash. I also take hour-long showers so that I smell nice and am appealing to girls I like at school; this is whilst using products made in factories who pollute and torture animals by testing such products on them. And yet I am just an ordinary person; I know very few people who make an effort, because it isn’t easy when our society is so spoilt. We are used to having whatever we want, so why would we suddenly be caring towards others?

But we have to.

We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth. We are destroying the earth.

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