Words and wordsmiths

By Basit Adbullateef. Basit, 21, is a poet from Lagos, Nigeria. Please read his entry and leave your comments below.

This may appear vaster that it seems or deepen past the social darkening of the content, we should all observe this as a political, psychological and sociological problem in this discourse as I strongly agree “most people don’t listen with the intent to understand..” Stephen R.Covey.  It’s a phenomenal tantrum common amid youths or people suffering from ADHD ( Attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder) overly.

This topic is apter resoluting the indifference of opinion amid most media users, peers group, work units affected by altercation, disputation, prejudice, misjudgements, miscommunication and so on. Influenced by disputable Idea or appearing to be a single-minded idealist, some people tend to percept wrongly, some tend to decipher easily and get confused rather than being convinced wanting to usurp the natural circle of an instigated argument , issue  and response. Seeing the lesser picture of an argument, limited ideas, ignorance, conflict of reasoning , ADHD are more reasons general responses and replies result to an error in communication. Deciphering/decoding a piece of information is a thing, dissatisfaction/misinterpretation/confusion is another.

We ought to check in ‘manners’ in this sense could also be synonymous to bad habit , lack of proper upbringing, strict parenting or dictatorship could be the nature or cause of inexcusable habits like snubbing, inattentiveness and ignorance. Here in,  intent in other words ‘purpose’ is not possibly the dynamics of an argument rather reasons or the platform of which a particular know-how is conveyed. A crowd/mass can’t foresee the main intention of a speaker all together they listen , percept , comprehend but restructure replies differently not because they do not understand the purpose of a speaker rather ignorance of their mindset , apprehension , illiteracy.

An inevitable example is the press, they make an effort to hear something with thoughtful and purposeful attention, they need perfectly to take notice of – and act on what someone says , better still, different headlines from different sources of the same story of an event given  issues like ill-feelings , enthusiasm, self esteem, neglect of purpose ie observing miscellany leveraging the press power against will of the speaker or intent of an information.

A vital example is a president’s speech in an international conference regarding the youths of his country as being lazy.. the statement has an intensive purpose whereas it caused ruckus in the country, dilemma allover that a part of the country started having mistrust in the administration, perhaps people who observed the statement extensively. Believe it, words are irreversibly vulnerable and destructive irrespective of the personality that utters them.

Whenever we talk with someone else about an experience , usually our verbal description will delete a great deal of that experience often because we assume shared knowledge or experience of an event or about a topic. Our words take a very complex & richly detailed experience combining visual , auditive & kinesthetic elements and summarize it so what is left is a brief outline of the total experience. Whenever we are involved in a conversation we gather information from the parties involved. However, we also draw on our own personal experience in making an internal representation of what the other person says in order to ; amplify & understand it: know what we lack and what the the information lacks, also what we need to know in order to complete our internal representation to avoid susceptibility.

Frequently, there is a tendency for both parties involved to use internal filters that delete, distort or generalize the info provided & it’s these elements which can adversely affect the efficacy of listening skills in most cases. We should try to observe  partial information infusing the know-how before reply ” lesser need for people to feel they have ‘all’ the information while new/ rare/ questionable information arises with the need of understanding”. IT IS WRONG!- this in turn can lead us to draw inappropriate or incorrect assertions inconclusively. Nevertheless, using just an observation from a speech to make agitation overly resulting to a response in an erroneous manner.

Here are the problems respondents face omitting adept observation driving them to listen with the intent to respond quickly, harshly, vaguely without an holistic consideration of the quality or content of a statement purposefully uttered.

Firstly, prejudice is a common problem that occurs in listening ie conscious or subconscious, this also relates to the responder as the content of this article is fully based on perceptions. Affected greatly by previous experiences directly or indirectly based on the information given. A frequent example of this can be found in the treatment of politicos by people opposed to their views, we need to learn spectacularly how to separate the person we are communicating with from the conversation. People often run into conversation with either their own a game plan or someone else’s , something like, how to control the conversation. This occurs basically in arguments as both parties are badly in search of a weak spot therefore exposing theirs. Wanting to listen to what is actually said and countering anything which does not fit into made-up plans or personal ideas.

Secondly, most people generally have a tendency to expect and look for logical sequences or structure in their communication, believing a person said this , supposedly, another supports this. Therefore disposing other assertions or ideas from the information suppliied , rendering them baseless or not substantial.

Lastly, what is ADHD? .. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder . Presuppositions and other mental issues would be included as the they share the signs and are all medically presymptomatic lest of common mental diagnosis. There are 1.5 million reoccurring cases per year (Nigeria) ADHD is mostly found in male. People affected;  talk excessively; may have a short fuse or quick temper ; inattentive to discourses; impulsivity.. because they censor themselves lesser than other kids do, they often interrupt and misinterprete conversations and ask personal questions instead of a calculated reply, they also tend to ask questions without reply.

Given these instances intellectual relativeness Is needed so as to eradicate the aforementioned vices ie prejudice, congruency and so on. Savage replies might not be needed because it portrays an unclear picture and dents the presupposed intent.


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