Tag: Blogging Prize Shortlisted

The Art of Being a Child

What is art? From galleries to concert halls, theatres to books, we engulf ourselves in a sea of it, relishing every stroke and every note whilst never questioning what it truly is. Of course, sneaking closely behind this question is another, far more pressing debate: what is an artist? What marks the difference between a

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How schools can be better potters

There may be as many varied definitions of the term “education” as there were varieties of sports at the 2016 Olympic Games. Summarising the key words in those definitions however, one can describe education as a systematic process of facilitating learning and honing skills, beliefs and values to cause individuals to develop personally, so that

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The Death of Universal Education

Everyone knows the vast majority of what you learn over the course of your education isn’t particularly useful afterwards. History grads and Chemistry grads go for the same graduate jobs, in spite of there being little overlap in what they have learned. Students cheer when classes are cancelled, despite paying for those very classes to

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Set in Stone

He was sweating, his hands moving in a blur, ever so eager to let the image in his mind that was screaming out at him out of the marble. Moving, moving, moving, tool after tool, noises that made his ears ring, months of exhilarating work, still moving, still moving, still… Finally still. After many months,

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Teaching Tolerance

I was fourteen when I was first labeled as too dangerous to attend school. My act of rebellion? I had tried to kill myself. The sad thing is, it wasn’t the first time this had happened, nor was it the last time I would try to end my life. Even today, as I suffer from

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Power of speech

When I came across Maya Angelou’s quote – ‘WORDS MEAN MORE THAN WHAT IS SET DOWN ON PAPER. IT TAKES A HUMAN VOICE TO INFUSE THEM WITH SHADES OF DEEPER MEANING’ it inspired me and generated quite a number of ideas which I have elaborated below under subtitles. Actions speak louder than words Words written

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Redefining courage; Lessons for education

Growing up as a child, one of the people I have come to identify with and in fact whose memory I will forever cherish is that of the first black president of South Africa Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. We loved Madiba as he is referred to in his native Xhosa clan so much that we knew

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Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning

I agree with Maya Angelou’s assertion that “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.” I will manifest my accordance by referring an actor and singer who I believe use their voice to permeate “shades of deeper meaning” into words.

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Checkmating the Malaise of Intellectual Indolence in the Nigerian Educational Sector

Introduction There is no gainsaying the fact that education is an instrument of empowerment. The reason why there is increase in the quest for formal education by most citizens of the world is because of the fact that education helps the downtrodden and poor members of the society attain great heights, which ordinarily they will

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Fantasy and reality often overlap

Beginning my disquisition with the words of the legendary Walt Disney seems only pertinent and apt, for this man has left a legacy of fairy lands, pixies, giants, unicorns, wizards, dragons et al, a scrumptious lavish treat for us to feed upon for centuries to come. Today, we all have our heroes: Percy Jackson, Harry

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If there was one thing I could change to improve education in my country…

Reading culture is dying in Nigeria. A tiny number out of about 160 million people have healthy reading habits institutionalised. Majority just enlist into various schools. Many have graduated. They are all for the obtainment of certificates. This habit is causing our country harm. Half-baked educated people dot the streets. Reading of books isn’t taken

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“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela

The enduring advancement in scientific innovation and the irresistible potentialities of technology are transforming how we acquire and share knowledge, our understanding of what constitutes educational materials, and the key learning skills we will need to be successful learners. Yesterday, there were no books. Today, books fill libraries and house vast knowledge. What tomorrow holds

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In The Future, People Will Cease to Hold Books

To start with, a 2003 survey conducted by a company called the Jenkins Group produced some statistics which have been quoted in books, blog posts and newspaper articles, stating that “One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives, 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after

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