Month: November 2017

Should We Listen To Steve Jobs?

As human beings, we are all interconnected in this world that is known as a global village in the 21st century. As the world is continuously evolving, the number of options we have in life has gone from a few to gazillions. So as individuals, we aspire and listen to what our hearts say along

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Education As A Prime Mover Towards Change (Life) And Development (Mind)

It’s like choosing what to dress for a day, looking at the mirror from different angles, questioning and answering is it good or the best? As for the education, it aims for the good as its best. Education is one of the prime movers of many civilized societies towards real change and development, whether to

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Defining One’s Best Normality

Triggered by Albert Camus’s quote that: “Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”, I wonder if the quote is completely true. Come to think of it, Camus was born 1913 and died in 1960 which means that this issue has been brought to light around a century ago. Rather than

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Nurturing the Broaden Horizons of Students

Let’s ask ourselves: “why education”? Why do we spend so many years in the educational system when there are other available options? Flash to the past, Benjamin Franklin, one of American’s most respected and well-known entrepreneurs, inventors etc improves the quality of American life with his work. He founded the famous University of Pennsylvania and

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The people in the background

It must be amusing for angels to look down from the clouds and see us living-making the ostensibly easy effort of waking up in the morning, getting dressed, going to work, drowning in emotions, fighting silently and all alone against the world, in the hope of one day being able to make our way out

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The Collective Memory

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” – Albert Einstein “I have never let schooling interfere with my education.”- Mark Twain Once we allow ourselves a smirk and give a nod of approval for the quotes above, as it confirms the thoughts in the child within each of

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Your Algebra

What is algebra? Perhaps it is not merely an eclection of figures and numbers that make the sane majority of the population shiver and back as far away from the aforementioned as possible, but rather a challenge. Algebra is, by definition, “the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to

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A good education makes life very fulfilling

In an ideal world, the role of education would try to balance preparing students to cope with their working life while also giving them a liberal dose of varied ideas which hopefully would broaden their minds. In fact, school life is largely balanced in this regard as almost all key subjects from literature, to science,

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The power of power

This famous statement reveals a bitter truth. In the world there are three classes of people and they are high class, middle class and lower class. Every single person of these classes faces different kinds of problems in their life. To survive they all need to cope with these difficulties and carry on with their

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A little girl named Hope

Little Hope woke up from sleep. She stayed in her bed for a couple of minutes. Her bed was so warm and cozy that she could spend the whole day lying there but unfortunately, she had to get ready for school. The view she had in front of her was dazzling. A window covered almost

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Big blue whale in an ocean too small

My childhood was spent with my parents and siblings in this tiny dot on our world map called Sitka, Alaska. I will have to admit that I painfully miss the freezing temperatures, the snowy landscapes, our small but warm red brick house and our chubby ginger cat named Honey. I never felt so attached to

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Character and Power, what a concoction

Referencing to my experiences and observations of the world, I agree with Mr. Lincoln statement, though I do oppose the beginning phrase that nearly all men can stand adversity. Firstly, Abraham Lincoln ruled before women’s rights were as active. Hence, we can’t blindly read and believe that he was using the term “men” as a

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“To think or not to think, that is a question!”

A dark-haired girl enthusiastically watched as the teacher handed out notebooks to her classmates. She has already noticed her notebook – it was lying in a heap next to the last one, and now the girl was eagerly fidgeting in her chair, waiting for her turn. They had written an essay at the last lesson

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Culture not Costume

As a lover of travel and adventure, I have learned over time that every country, every city and every home has a culture of its own. The beauty of culture surrounds us consistently. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, that’s up to us. There are many aspects of culture and each one roars

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Normality Debunked

Why would any individual desire to be normal? Perhaps he or she is abnormal, according to a certain set of standards, and is reprimanded for being so. Hence, they try to achieve the norm. But what is normal? What differentiates an abnormal individual from a group of normal people? More importantly however, is being normal

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The Absurd Hero’s Normalcy

  Albert Camus was a French Algerian philosopher most notable for his writings about life’s absurdity and existentialism. Camus believes that “nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.” This normalcy that Camus writes about is perhaps the normalcy of struggling to continue living our repetitive and mundane lives, knowing that

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Why History Matters

History is about change. It is the subject that contributes the most to the broadening out of the imagination. One of the purposes of the study of history is to help students transcend their own immediate experience and gain an understanding about how humanity has evolved and developed. It is ironic that when there is

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The Tree Tale

Hi, I am a Chestnut tree. For many decades, I have been standing here. I have witnessed many changes around me, but what has not changed is the way we have been caring about others. I still remember the words of the biology teacher at the school, “Children! You just cannot imagine how much potential

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