Category: Adult

Checkmating the Malaise of Intellectual Indolence in the Nigerian Educational Sector

Introduction There is no gainsaying the fact that education is an instrument of empowerment. The reason why there is increase in the quest for formal education by most citizens of the world is because of the fact that education helps the downtrodden and poor members of the society attain great heights, which ordinarily they will

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Fund Education; Stimulate National Progress

Introduction Scientists discovered several decades ago that the cell was the basic unit of life (Postlethwait & Hopson, 2006). Thus, from the microscopic amoeba to the gigantic whale in the sea, the cell remains the basic building block of life. Education in a society, just like the cell, cannot be dispensed with; it is so

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The complement to improve education in Nigeria

Introduction No matter whom you are, Or who you may be, You can do something to change the world for the better. Edward Kramer Education is succinctly put as a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training,

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If there was one thing you could change to improve education in your country…

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela. Words of wisdom these are, for in being educated, lies the path to freedom by exploring diverse dreams and interest thus unlocking limitless potentials and ultimately transforming lives. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has

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Education In My Country: The Essential Change

“… All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants” – John W. Gardener INTRODUCTION In Nigeria, ugly issues on education (the process of teaching and learning) have recently kept popping up and are seriously blazing into the front-burner at both the state

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Fantasy and reality often overlap

Beginning my disquisition with the words of the legendary Walt Disney seems only pertinent and apt, for this man has left a legacy of fairy lands, pixies, giants, unicorns, wizards, dragons et al, a scrumptious lavish treat for us to feed upon for centuries to come. Today, we all have our heroes: Percy Jackson, Harry

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Too Theoretical, less Practical defines the adjective “theoretical” as being concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application. In other words, this means there is a presence of abstract terms, hypotheses and speculations. On the other hand, “practical” refers to that which is actually done. Unfortunately, education in

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Subsidies for higher education: should or not?

For many individual students preparing to graduate from high school, wondering whether or not they should pursue a higher education at a university or other learning institute is an issue that weighs heavily on their minds. It is a very difficult decision that depends on many different factors, such as the individual’s personal goals. Some

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Immortal: The Endurance of Story-Telling

These are the enduring stories, waning, waxing with the ages but never quite forgotten, almost-memories shared by a collective human consciousness. Presently, there exist millions of beautiful Cinderellas, Cendrillons, Cenerentolas, coloured by idle or active imaginations, unique yet similar, bound together by the familiar tale. But there are elements of the story which have been

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One thing I would change to improve education in my country and why

Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a school or university. Education in my country Nigeria is valued and highly cherished mainly because of the end product which is securing a job and having good earnings. If I had the opportunity to change one thing to improve the standard of

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If there was one thing you could change to improve education in your country…

The Singapore miracle – the story of how a Third World backwater transformed into a world-class state at startling speed – is a familiar narrative to its citizens. Those old enough lived through and witnessed this magical metamorphosis. Those too young simply learn about it second hand through social studies lessons, during which they are

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What would I change about education?

The one thing I would change about education is to abolish all single gender schools and only authorize mixed schools to enable both male and female students to work together within the same setting. This would prepare them for future employment, as they will be working with both male and female members of staff. Students

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In an era of tight public finances, should students be entitled to subsidised higher education no matter what they choose to study?

Subsidised? NO. Make it Free! “Nonsense!” “Not value for money!” “Other more worthy causes!” “Waste of Taxpayers money!” And a host of other retorts are probably flowing onto irate blogs in response. But hang on. Surely education is a birthright for all no matter what their background or sex and so is the right to

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