Category: Adult

Education the up righteousness of a society

Education is defined in the dictionary as an activity of acquiring knowledge through instructions or teachings. The bible in 2nd timothy 3:15-16 says “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scripture, which are able to make thee wise.” One should also say that it encompasses both the teaching and learning of knowledge,

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What Teachers should be Teaching

After 20 years in and out of the Australian education system, I have come to some conclusions about the role of education. I have taught in four Australian states, in Catholic, Islamic, State and small private schools and across many learning areas and from Kindergarten to Year 12, but what I have learned is that

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All These Childish Stories… Are They Really Worth Picking Up?

It seems to be an unspoken general rule that when you leave childhood behind, you stop reading, and sometimes even looking at, the books that you loved. As a child, I read many books by authors like Nick Butterworth, Beatrix Potter and Jacqueline Wilson, but I have to admit that after I entered my teens

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Dear Mister Bill Gates

Dear Mister Bill Gates, I write this letter to you in accordance with an essay I am attempting to write. I wish to stress the importance of this essay as the main price is, I believe, $2500. No token prize, I think you will agree. The subject matter of the essay is the following: does

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The Pertinency of Broadening the Minds of Students through Education

The word “education” was derived from the Latin word “educat or educare” which means to bring up, to develop, to educate fully all the potentialities of an individual. To educate means; to give intellectual, moral, and social instruction (Oxford dictionary, 2011). It is an action or process of giving instructions, either directly or indirectly so

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Public Housing Escape

Why is it 3 am? Why am I tired and yet awake? Why is everyone so different? Why don’t they like me? Every night my body wakes up yet my mind is so numb; since, my mind is numb all I do is sit and think. I think about what I’m going to say to

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The role of educators in society

Should the role of education be to prepare students for working life, or to broaden their mind? On one note, it can be agreed upon that many educators have done their best at preparing students for working life. These days it is a lot easier to prepare oneself for a job than to actually find

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Fulfilment Through Great Ideas

Most people are constant in their acknowledgement of education as a key factor for human development. The notion of education evokes images of classrooms and lecture halls, in the thoughts of many. But education should transcend the narrow confines of classrooms and lecture halls and embrace creative self-pursuits to enliven new ideas in our minds.

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The Righteousness of Abnormal

I do not like anything about school. My primary and secondary school days were mildly excusable, mostly because when I was there, I had not been able to totally convince myself that finding the value of ‘X’ and battling with quadratic equations were the same as teaching me how to flush our pit toilet a-fter

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Normality is an Illusion

What does it mean to be normal? In this modern age, normality seems to be an illusion when one looks at the mass globalisation and the mixing pot of cultures, languages and religion. I work in healthcare and our sector is obsessed with normality. Your cholesterol level means nothing to me unless I can compare

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Student: job holder or knowledge holder?

In my view, nowadays the role of education is useful only for getting marks in education and finding jobs but not for knowledge. Some students only want to get knowledge instead of marks. Hence why they are not ‘developed’. Students leave their technical knowledge behind after getting a job. This is due to today’s competition,

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The Broad Way is Safer

“Nobody realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.” – Camus. Nothing messes with the mind like filling some forms. You are having a swell time navigating from one column to the other, deftly putting your familiar details in the required areas until you reach the part marked ‘Religion’. There are options

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What Does it Mean to be Normal?

What Does it Mean to Be Normal? “Nobody realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.” – Albert Camus. What is “normal”? According to the Oxford Dictionary, normal is “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected”. In life, some things are undeniably normal – a temperature of 98.6 degrees, twelve months

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The Chocolate Cake

Speaking to the Fox Business network, President Trump described how he informed Chinese premier Xi Jinping of the missile strike. Seated in a beautiful studio, the president told his fatherly story, relaxed and confident. “When you were with the president of China, you’re launching these military strikes,” she spoke in a clear and professional manner, but

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Man and Power

Without an iota of doubt, I totally subscribe to the assertion made by the great Abraham Lincoln in the above statement. Power has always been and would ultimately remain the most reliable test of every Man’s character. Our ability or otherwise to effectively manage power in its diverse forms goes a long way to determine

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The Role of the Great Equalizer

Horace Mann, a man often regarded as “the Father of the Common School” and a major proponent of public education, back when it was a revolutionary concept, was the first person ever to cite education as “the great equalizer.” That this phrase has become a cliché both in and out of the classroom should be

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A glimpse of the world through artistic eyes

In my fantasy world lingers a question, an anxious question, pertaining the elements which affect a human being’s existence. We are utterly compelled by and unquestionably embrace and accept with no argument whatsoever that science is the backbone behind and on which our very existence is mounted. My question, concern and argument is about the

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Is gender segregation in schools beneficial or detrimental?

Gender by definition is the conception of tasks, functions and roles attributed to women and men in a society both in public and private life, and as such it has both good and bad parts. First and foremost, it results in poor performance of a pupil in a class. This is where a child who

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Teaching social behavior in learning institutions

Society is usually considered morally upright and successful when all of its members confine themselves to the acceptable social norms. It is for this reason most people coexist peacefully. In addition, social behaviors are not innate in nature; they are extrinsic factors that are instilled into individuals in many ways. However, the main bone of

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