Month: November 2017

When one’s inner self meets power – character is put to the test

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln   Power is a very strong word. Not just in terms of the word, but with the control that comes with it. Not many are taught about handling the power given to them, because

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Why I am what I am

I am going to start with a famous quote – a deep and beautiful quote that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple said, in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other

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Why would you fit in if you were born to stand out?

I love you, my friend, if you ever had to hear in your address: “You’re abnormal!”.  You are lucky. I do not understand what people mean when they say that you are crazy! But I want to know – do they understand what the norm is? Many people spend half of their lives (or even

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On the Transcendence of books

As an adult (a term which I am still taking time to get a grip with), it is sometimes hard to imagine what my thought process would have been like as a 10-year-old something. If I take my mother’s view into account, I would have been nothing less than an uncontrollable dynamo of chaos, always

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Oak Wings

Hi, my name is Rebecca! I know you can see me. The brown hair, the hazel eyes, the ruffled top, whatever you wish, it’s true. I’m not here to tell you what I have done in the past, I’m not here to tell you how I look like in the mirror, I am here to

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To be normal in an abnormal society?

“Nobody realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal”. Camus  We don’t need any definition for ‘normal’, but we are ruled by the structure of this label in society. Every single soul is so different; we have different characters, but we are moved around like on a chessboard.  Life is like the

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Fire can cause a lot of damage. That is it can burn houses, schools, people and even factories. There was a school called St. Barnabas Secondary School. It was a school and there was a thief who came to their school to steal their property. The thief didn’t find anything to steal and so he

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Fire is the flame. Light, heat and smoke is produced when something burns. It burns fiercely, causing damage to people, institutions, houses, animals, etc. Everybody fears fire. Fire can also burn as a result of accident, e.g. with petrol or electricity. One night at a school called Moi Girls Secondary School in Nairobi, situated along

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