Year: 2018

My Everyday Hero

She was a great person. A three-time hero: a teacher, a search & rescue volunteer and my mum. I always come here to think. I don’t know what it is, staring down at the misty water from the cliffs above. It soothes me. No one comes here anymore so it’s always peaceful. All I can

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The Elephant Mother

She walks majestically and mightily. Through the fog and the rain, through the scorching sun on the brightest day. From dawn to dusk, sunrise to sun set, till all the brightest colours are bleached from the sky and replaced with a veil of cold curling mist. She walks on, never slowing and never faltering. Her

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A Day at the Beach (Part 1)

I have always wondered what lies beyond the horizon. What could be there? A monster? A fairy? A treasure? It never ceases to amuse me imagining what could be there. It served as a little fantastical adventure for me, where I could pretend to be the protagonist of my own story for a teeny-weeny little

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A Day at the Beach (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1, here.   Pa…Pappy? Pappy was laughing, grinning from ear to ear. He looked at the both of us, before trying to control his laughter and failing to do so. “Captain, told you my son was a special one. Refugees…ha…your boat looks like a refugee’s raft!” They know each other? Wait…Pappy, you

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The Forest Light

One step. Another. Each one echoing and bouncing off the thick wall of trees surrounding me. An icy wind whipped fiercely at my fluffy green jacket, sending tears trickling down my freckled cheeks. I hoisted my heavy pack higher onto my shoulders, my boots planted firmly, the heels digging into the moist clumps of dirt.

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Can you go on?

What is death? It creeps up behind you. It gently nudges you into its velvety blackness, its misty greyness. It is a deep void, full of everything; full of nothing. A dense mist, ever moving but never changing. This is where I am. Not yet ready to jump off the grey cliffs of what I

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If you are lonely

‘If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company’ is a very interesting quote because of all its possible interpretations. Being lonely is a very negative feeling. In fact, in many indigenous tribes, isolation is one of the worst punishments a lawbreaker can face. Loneliness is such a dreaded feeling because

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Getting clothes is the same as getting an education

Trying to find clothes that fit and make me feel good had always been a problem for me. Being the fat girl since kindergarten, I used to wear my parents’ clothes to avoid the discomfort of shopping. When entering High School, I got sick of feeling ugly and started my journey to find my clothes.

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Education: a Right or Privilege?

Education is described as the act of gaining knowledge generally associated with getting it from schools colleges or universities. The idea of gaining knowledge has been part of the human race since the beginning of time, man has always been curious and it is the same curiosity that has brought us at this stage in

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Technology and Education: What Have We Done With It?

Technology was given to us eighty years ago. What have we done with it? Since the inception of technology in the 80’s and even the 30’s, there have been tremendous changes and improvement worldwide. Technology now runs in the veins of society acting as the fuel that drives our lives. It has become an integral

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Technology is important through what we do

Has it ever crossed your mind how heavily dependent we are on the broad concept of technology ranging from an ordinary washing machine to an iPhone? How is it that the same thing used to further advance and build us up to a society to make things easier is also the same that can be

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He who opens a school door, closes a prison

Blaming people for crimes without having given them the opportunity to experiment a good life in a desk, is to commit another crime without being blamed. People need to understand that education must be enabled for all citizens so that they can be able to read and interpret laws to avoid committing crimes. But blaming

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Education: Right or Privilege?

I believe education is a right. If it was a privilege, only certain members of society would have the imperative right to a basic or higher education. No gender, race, or nationality should be denied the opportunity to obtain an education. An education is vital to the human race. Without an education, the people of

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Listen with Your Mind, Darling

When the author, Stephen R. Covey, made his observation that most of us listen with the intent of replying rather than understanding, he hit on one of the most important concepts of modern human communication. There are several reasons we do this. If we wish to change and become better listeners, it will help a

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Communication as a Give-and-Take

I agree with Mr. Covey, most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. That in itself is not too bad. People like to be heard. People want to voice their opinion, People want to share their side of the story. This is our nature, This is

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Integrity: a pillar of fortuity to build

“He Who opens a school door, closes a prison”, as said by Victor Hugo, does apply, but only as a principle valuable in those times: no education was indeed a route that led to hardly any opportunities or choices in life. But the need for emotional and ethical balance on top of this completes the

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Drizzle Your Brain in Chocolate and Eat it: Lessons in Self-Love

A month ago, I was talking to my best friend in the early hours of the morning. I was in Yorkshire and through the window in the kitchen, the framed navy landscape outside was being caressed with autumn rain. I sat on a lopsided wooden table and ate slices of floury bread from a paper

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I Want a Reply

According to Stephen Covey, “Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Once, this was true. People were able to pay enough attention to formulate a response in interactions with others, which usually occurred live, often among humans who were familiar with each other. This was before.

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Practicality in Justice

The meaning of this is obvious, if we were to allow injustice to fester it will grow and become contagious. In Martin Luther King’s context, injustice was being done to the African American community in Alabama, and though he was based in Atlanta he had decided to travel all the way to Alabama and even

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Education – It’s a Right, Right?

I remember a story I read in a book back when I was a six-year old. It was about a boy who wanted to go to school, but cannot because his family does not have enough money to send him to school as they prioritize their eldest son who was about to graduate college with

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