Be an Inspiration for Good Behaviour

Looking at the title we may think: what is the need for teaching social behavior? First of all, what is social behavior? ‘Social behavior is a term used to describe the general conduct exhibited by an individual within the society’. This type of behavior determines how individuals interact with one another within society. Lack of

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The Importance of the Art of Education

“The arts are of incalculable worth in what it means to be a human being.” Philip Pullman Education can be understood as the art of imparting knowledge, ideas, skills and judgment of facts that have been learnt either formally or informally. This art is of incalculable worth in what it means to be a human

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The Art (or the science) of Perfect Balance

The Split: separation of artist and scientist My proudest memory of primary school was the day the headmaster came to our classroom to read the class a story that I had written. He particularly liked my use of the words ‘murky’ and ‘blushed’; interesting vocabulary makes good stories, he said. If he’d been more familiar

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The Role of Arts in Education

The lines of Philip Pullman are so very true that “Arts are of incalculable worth in what it means to be a human being”. Art is of paramount importance according to my personal view. Art is the only reason behind the evolution of man. Art has played an integral role in making a human being

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The Lifeblood of Society

The Lord of the Rings. Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. Pride and Prejudice. The Taj Mahal. All have the power to touch us, shake us and stir us. Each one, and every other piece of art, whether formalised as that or unrecognised, has the power to reach out to us and form a connection. To tie an

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Vision Without Execution is Just Hallucination

It’s so amazing, an initiative that most parents take their children to school with the sole aim of making their future bright. What majority fail to understand is that the fact that they have send their children to school and paid fees, alongside providing their sons and daughters with basic needs is not just enough.

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The Dilemma of Gender Segregation in Schools

Gender segregation in schools has been a question in the minds of many, especially those caught in between the choice to take their children to gender mixed schools or to the single gender ones. Before the fight for equality between men and women began gender segregation was not much of an issue as each party

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Art and Technology are Important

Today I would like to talk to you all about the role technology plays in art and why. I am going to list all the reasons why it plays an important role in art today. 1. Technology allows us to take pictures of art and share it with our friends, like in this photograph for

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Our World

I love the world I live in. There’s something magical about stepping out of your door, turning on your iPod to listen to music, sending messages via electromagnetic waves to your friends so that you can meet up, eating at a classy restaurant in order to have a lovely meal of slaughtered animal and soda

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Technology + Art

I think technology plays a very important role in art, because it is our way of spreading art throughout the world. We can see in this photograph that someone is taking a picture of art and this is how other people will see the art. This may seem like nothing, but it is fascinating. Without

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Without birthing ideas the world would remain stagnant

INTRODUCTION An idea is when a thing is conceived in someone’s mind with a drive toward a particular purpose or goal. Ideas are great. Anybody can have an idea. Everybody can say what they feel about something. But not everybody has the capacity or will to implement it. “The world is going globalized and only

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A wonderful fruit

It’s written biblically about the forbidden fruit that our ancestors [Adam and Eve] ate. It’s always beating the religious leaders’ minds and even threatened to create public judgment on them, but it all comes to be cool when one says that the husband and wife enjoyed an apple. Apples are class s pupil-fist sized sweet

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The Art of Being a Child

What is art? From galleries to concert halls, theatres to books, we engulf ourselves in a sea of it, relishing every stroke and every note whilst never questioning what it truly is. Of course, sneaking closely behind this question is another, far more pressing debate: what is an artist? What marks the difference between a

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Save us

I felt the wind blowing in my face as soon as I woke up. It was still dark, and the night had become a cold one during the hours through which I slept. Now, as I sat up, tired, head spinning like it always did, I felt as if I had somehow slipped into another

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We are Humans

The policy on gender segregation in a school arises in a situation whereby the authorities of a school allows the enrolment of male and female students into its fold, but such students permitted to relate only with fellow students who are of the same sex as them. This practice of gender segregation in schools is

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Technology and Art are complimentary

If technology plays an important role in art, art also plays an important role in technology. Every time something technological is created, art is involved because designers have to design exactly what they want the phone or computer to look like and some designs are really incredible, such as the Samsung S7 Edge, whose design

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How schools can be better potters

There may be as many varied definitions of the term “education” as there were varieties of sports at the 2016 Olympic Games. Summarising the key words in those definitions however, one can describe education as a systematic process of facilitating learning and honing skills, beliefs and values to cause individuals to develop personally, so that

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Issues in implementing vision and policy in the developing countries: emphasis on economic policy

Introduction Ideally, it is the dream of every young child to become great and fulfilled in life; enterprises or businesses are targeted towards maximizing profits and minimizing costs to the lowest level; large scale businesses are established with the belief of existing into the unforeseeable future; every family dreams of giving birth and raising fruitful

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The Future

There is no reason to destroy the planet. Would you destroy your own personal living space by throwing toxins all over the floor? I don’t think so. So why do that to our communal living space? If you do that, you are just like the people who let their dogs go to the toilet in

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INTRODUCTION Idea is when a thing is conceived in someone’s mind with a drive toward a particular purpose or goal. Ideas are great. Anybody can have idea. Everybody can easily say what they feel about something. But everybody does not have the capacity or will to implement it. “The world is going globalized and only

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